Wellturn 600 Remote Training Collar helped pet owners train their puppy, Molly

About a year ago, Ben and Julie decided to expand their family. The newlyweds decided to adopt a puppy from the local shelter. Together they found the sweetest boxer puppy and decided to bring her home with them. They named their puppy Molly and that same day went out to buy a bed, food and toys for their new family addition. Little did they know that they’d just adopted a canine with serious obedience issues.
“After the first day, I came home from work and found Molly had destroyed one of the couch pillows and had gotten into the trash in our kitchen, dragging it all over the house,” Julie said. “I figured she was getting used to her new environment and maybe she’d acted out because of that.”
Molly didn’t stop at tearing up the house, she also barked non-stop while Ben and Julie were at work during the day. After two months of destruction to their house and constant barking, Julie and Ben were on the verge of calling it quits on pet ownership.
“We were getting complaints from the neighbors and honestly, her barking was starting to drive us a little crazy too,” Julie said. “This sweet little dog was turning into a holy terror.”
Julie and Ben decided to do some research and came across the Wellturn 600 remote training collar. They decided to give it a try and began training Molly the same day they received it.
“It definitely got her attention,” Julie said. “The minute we saw her start to do something wrong like digging in the trash or barking at our neighbors, we’d use the remote to correct her bad behavior. It worked like a charm. After only a couple of corrections, she realized what we wanted of her. It was the perfect solution to our issues.”
Julie said her neighbors noticed a difference in the nuisance barking and now when she gets off work she comes home to a clean home and a happy puppy.
“No more notes pinned to our front door complaining about the barking,” Julie said happily. “No more chewed up books or pillows and no more trash strung around the living room.”
The Wellturn 600 remote dog training collar includes 16 different levels of impulse, for more control to select the correct level needed for training. It also has a continuous impulse option as well as a flash impulse option. There is a beeper function in order to warn the dog before a correction impulse. The remote features an easy-to-read LCD display and a magnetic on-off switch. Correction can be given from up to 660 yards away and the collar itself is fully waterproof.
“I would absolutely recommend this collar to anyone with a dog that is hard-headed or difficult to train,” Julie said. “It worked on our Molly, who is incredibly stubborn, so if it can work on her, I believe it can work on any pet.”
